July 24, 2019

Give yourself permission – be a mixed media artist

Blogspotters - as promised, from now on, I'll post a snippet and a link here but the blog is moved to my website and I hope you'll join us there.  Subscribing is easy, subscribe and get an email reminder of the latest posts, the occasional free content, and more as we continue to grow.  As always, sharing my thoughts, occasionally offering a travel opportunity, book or CD.

Being creative away from the harp will allow you to have room to grow.  Working in another medium also means learning new things, practicing different things that you need at the harp and having to think differently – even if only briefly.  Being creative in any medium will help you be more confident in your capacity to be creative.  And while the skills you master may (or may not) transfer – the freedom certainly will. 

Join us for the challenge at  https://www.jeniuscreations.com/give-yourself-pe…xed-media-artist

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