June 26, 2019

OSAS 2019 - Having a blast!

Blogspotters - I have been gradually nudging you to move over to the blog on my website.  Please go over there and subscribe (on the upper left of the screen) so you don't miss anything.  That platform just gives us more functionality, so after 30 June I'll post the link here to the blog posted there.  Save yourself the step and head over to subscribe - which gets you an email reminder of the latest posts, the occasional free content, and more as we continue to grow.  As always, sharing my thoughts, occasionally offering a travel opportunity, book or CD. 

Teaching, learning, having fun and more fun! Just a little photo montage (some phots unceremoniously swiped from Ruth Pearce's facebook page - she's taking some great photos when I was in the middle of something and wasn't able to capture it!).  I am so fortunate to be teaching some incredible talent - Sue Richards, Rachel Hair and Rachel Clemente!

If you aren't here - you're missing out - start planning for 2020!

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