August 7, 2019

7th Inning Stretch

The start of August is sort of the “7th Inning Stretch” of Summer.   
Most of the Summer is gone, but there’s easily another six (or more!) weeks to go, so it is the metaphorical 7th Inning.

We actually started stretching ourselves in July by giving ourselves permission to cross into making art in other media.  This challenge to ourselves is a type of stretching -

Why is stretching so important? There are loads of reasons you should stretch yourself, but here are 7 (one for each Inning up to the stretch? Maybe 😊)

See more at
PS - as I mentioned last week - if you've got a piece of art from another medium that you'd like to share - I will add it to the post.  If you missed last week's post where people shared their amazing art from other media, prepare to be amazed and check it out here: 

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