September 19, 2012

A New ad-Ventura

I am truly an East Coast Girl.  I will never be a West Coaster.  However, that doesn't mean that I don't visit as often as possible - I love to visit the West Coast - and I do as often as possible. 

You might be an Eastie like me, who loves to visit the West Coast, or you could be a Westie who's looking for something-something fun - may I recommend the Seaside Highland Games in Ventura, CA?

You might be surprised - they don't have a harp competition so what am I going on about?

Well, if you have the opportunity, it would be worth your while - because Harp is making its inaugural debut at the Seaside Games this year -

The Harp Glen is being sponsored by the Clan Currie Society to introduce the Harp to visitors to this event. In addition to shedding light on the fabulous and rich history of the harp this event will showcase actual harps and harpers.

There will of course be harpers playing and more importantly, an opportunity for people to try and to learn.  Highlights of the two-day Harp Extravaganza include:

• Harp Ensemble performance
• Solo Harp Performances
• A Harp Ring/Circle
• Harp "Petting Zoo"
• Mini Harp Lessons

The Clan Currie Society, who is the Title Sponsor of the Scottish Harp Society of America's US National Scottish Harp Championship, is working with the Seaside Highland Games to showcase the harp at this Harp Gathering event.

I hope if you are able you'll support this new event - what a great time!

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